An ordinary year

This time of year is usually a period when we usually have the most to do, full of preparations for Stockholm’s furniture fair. A fair where we usually have several parallel projects, although this was not the case last year due to the pandemic. Unfortunately, it looks like it will be another February month without a visit to the premises in Älvsjö, as the fair has now been moved forward to after the summer, more […]

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New year, new website, new opportunities!

It’s starting to feel like these strange times are soon the new normal, and washing your hands and keeping your distance feels like a part of everyday life. Unfortunately, this also leads to continued cancellations and postponed fairs, and the desire to meet people and socialize is largely still unsatisfied, even though we still had a lot to do despite the current situation. With the exception of a few fairs, we instead built and designed […]

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